Kennon Vaughan 

Digital Marketing Specialist 

Kennon Vaughan is a Toronto-based Digital Marketig Specialist. 

Are you Social Media Listening?

What is Social Media Listening, that is the question. The answer is that Social Media Listening is the art and science of watching, looking, and listening to the interactions between your brand and the people interacting with it on social media.

No matter what size of business or company you have, these days everyone knows how critical it is to have a social media presence to market your business online.

And for sure, posting regularly, in your brand’s voice, to your target audience/personas is a big part of the work your Digital Marketing Specialist (in-house or not) will do to enhance your brand online. 

But the big question today is, are you Listening? Are you putting enough time and effort into the listening aspect of your social media marketing efforts?

Social Media is so much more than a one-directional propaganda machine for your business. Its also, by extension, your external customer service department except that these interactions are happening publicly, where both your customers and potential customers alike can see for themselves just how you are treating your customers. 

Literally every interaction online requires your attention and response. Now that may be a big job depending on how many and how engaged your followers are, but nonetheless, each interaction is a new opportunity to win, retain, or loose a customer… and all those watching. 

Social Listening. It should be coming into focus now. Social Media Listening is the art of listening and being responsive to all your customers, no matter what stage of your marketing funnel they may be in. 

Whether you are your own Social Media Manager or you pay someone to do that for your business, ensuring you dedicate enough time and resources to this part of your social media marketing campaign can pay huge dividends as your customers witness for themselves how responsive and caring you are about their needs.

Kennon Vaughan is Digital Marketing and Social Media Specialist living in Markham, Ontario, Canada. 

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My Blog

MONEY Canada was an SEO Paradise

Are you Social Media Listening?

The Mystery of Re-Marketing Revealed

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Software and Tools

Contact Me

Kennon Vaughan
Markham, ON
P: (647) 883-1261

About Me

If its done digitally, I've probably done it. Ask me what I can do for you.