Kennon Vaughan 

Digital Marketing Specialist 

Kennon Vaughan is a Toronto-based Digital Marketing Specialist. 

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing seems redundant, doesn't it? I mean unless your social media use is strickly personal and you have ZERO interest in growing followers, likes, comments and DM's, then you are probably interested in Social Media Marketing.

For businesses, however, I would simply say Marketing. Because if you are not already here first, it doesn't really matter what else you are doing to get new business, you are missing out on the first and best option to instantly start finding new customers and followers of your brand online.

While no work is free, no matter who is doing the work, I still say that most of what you need to do to get started online is 'free'. Now, by free, I mean no additional set-up costs or adverting budget required to get started. Most of the first line of tools you need like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and the like are free to sign-up and start posting content.

Signing up for your accounts is the easy part, knowing what to say, what to post, to which media and when is another kettle-of-fish altogether.

We know we want to make sales, but to who? What or who is your target audience? Have your researched your existing sales data to reveal and refine you target customer persona(s)?

These are important steps in order to ensure you know who your target audiene is before you can start randomly posting content.

While there can be a million variables from business to business, some of the basics apply to all companies. Be present. Be responsive. Be Inclusive.

In my article titled, 'Are You Social Media Listening?', I explore what is required to truly take command of your social media presence and benefit from every interaction on social media.

Social Media Marketing is very much above having a plan, but in that stretegic plan you must account for the unknowns, the events could affect your industry or world events which affect us all as humans. Being in constant communication through your social media channels both in terms of what you are posting but also the opportunities that lye in being a 'always-listening' responsive social media marketer.

Wishing you the very best,


Kennon Vaughan is Digital Marketing and Social Media Specialist living in Markham, Ontario, Canada. 

Get in touch.

My Blog

MONEY Canada was an SEO Paradise

Are you Social Media Listening?

The Mystery of Re-Marketing Revealed

Work With Me - Get Started Here

I'm always looking for interesting new roles and opportunies. If you have a job or a project you think I might be a good fit for, please get in touch below.

Software and Tools

Contact Me

Kennon Vaughan
Markham, ON
P: (647) 883-1261

About Me

If its done digitally, I've probably done it. Ask me what I can do for you.