Kennon Vaughan 

Digital Marketing Specialist 

Kennon Vaughan is a Toronto-based Digital Marketing Specialist. 

Video Marketing & Video Production

Video Marketing should be playing a huge role in your digital marketing and / or your social media marketing plans.

Sure, video is not the best content choice on all platforms and all times, but it does usually do a better job at improving time on site or page view time.

Why does video works so well? Well, for one we've all been watching video (tv) for ever (well most of us). So we are really good a receiving information this way. More specifically, we are really good at deciphering between authentic and non-authentic and video does this in a hurry. If your videos are on point, on voice, and on target, your authenticity should ring loud and clear to your target audience and bring you positive results.

Examples of My Video Work


1. Real Estate Video Marketing - Edit only

2. Online Video E-Learning Course - Wellness By Saran

3. Wellness Naturally - Product Feature (Video Production)

4. A cross-section of my video work over the years.

5. 'We Make Videos' - Human Planet Media

6. The MONEY SHOW - by MONEY Canada Limted (Filmed and Edited by Kennon Vaughan)

Wishing you the very best,


Kennon Vaughan is Digital Marketing and Social Media Specialist living in Markham, Ontario, Canada. 

Get in touch.

My Blog

MONEY Canada was an SEO Paradise

Are you Social Media Listening?

The Mystery of Re-Marketing Revealed

Work With Me - Get Started Here

I'm always looking for interesting new roles and opportunies. If you have a job or a project you think I might be a good fit for, please get in touch below.

Software and Tools

Contact Me

Kennon Vaughan
Markham, ON
P: (647) 883-1261

About Me

If its done digitally, I've probably done it. Ask me what I can do for you.