Kennon Vaughan 

Digital Marketing Specialist 

Kennon Vaughan is a Toronto-based Digital Marketing Specialist. 

MONEY Canada Limited was an SEO Paradise

One of the experiences that stands out for me in my career is my time with MONEY Canada Limited. MONEY had several business goals, but the top of the list was to dominate the Google SERPS for the keyword ‘money’.

We all know and love money. It's on the tip of everyone’s tongue each and every day of our lives. Money is involved in virtually everything we do from house and groceries, to income and investing, money plays a huge role in everyone’s lives and we knew it.

So we set out to dominate the space. Our ‘portal’, if you will, was And it took a lot of work, including building two unique blog sites within, You and Your MONEY as well as ME and MY MONEY. The former became a force to be reckoned with, as we had amassed a huge roster of financial services writers and bloggers, which contributed weekly to YOU and YOUR MONEY.

I managed all this, but the fun was just beginning. To this we added MONEY NEWS. MONEY News was a news aggregator site. This portion of pulled financial services content and press releases from the largest PR news outlets in Canada, including CNW, Newswire, Marketwire, PRWeb, and PRNewswire. Into MONEY News we were getting daily xml ftp dumps,  then processing them into their respective categories and subcategories and publishing them on MONEY News. All of this web development and programming was done by yours truly, Kennon Vaughan.

And just when you thought we were done, we added yet another layer of Search Engine Optimized sites, The MONEY Network. A network of 300 financial keyword sites that were all produced, edited, and published by Kennon vaughan.

All of this was designed to accomplish two fundamental things - 1) high ranking financial keyword sites on google, bing, yahoo, and 2) leads. That’s right. Leads are what digital marketing is all about isn't it?

In our case, we were after two kinds of leads, Consumer Leads (those individuals looking to make any financial services purchase), and Business Leads (corporations and service providers that need and want both leads and advertising opportunities to get more leads).

Did I mention I also designed and published a physical print magazine called MONEY. Yes, MONEY Magazine (Canada), was a quarterly publication that was sold nationwide at Coles, Smithbooks, and Chapters/Indigo.

The final piece of the puzzle was The MONEY Show. This was an online financial news video show that was available online via and was also broadcast on Rogers Cable 10. The MONEY Show was a video synopsis of all the other media activities that we did at MONEY. The best articles and blogs were highlighted, the latest financial numbers discussed, and we spotlighted individuals and companies that were doing big things in the financial world.

This role was really the best role I’ve ever had. It allowed me the space to do so many different marketing activities, all of which helped to build into one of the largest financial services portals on the web at the time.

I left MONEY Canada Limited somewhere around 2016. All things do come to an end, and the stage had been set for me to move on, so I did. But the digital marketing activities I did while with MONEY I will forever be proud of.


Wishing you the very best,


Kennon Vaughan is Digital Marketing and Social Media Specialist living in Markham, Ontario, Canada. 

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MONEY Canada was an SEO Paradise

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The Mystery of Re-Marketing Revealed

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Kennon Vaughan
Markham, ON
P: (647) 883-1261

About Me

If its done digitally, I've probably done it. Ask me what I can do for you.